Adjunct Faculty and Membership Affiliation
The Division of Healthcare Simulation Science
The Division of Healthcare Simulation Science was established in January 1, 2020 within the Department of Surgery. This Division is the first of its kind in the Pacific Northwest, and combines the research and educational delivery expertise of two well-established simulation programs at the University of Washington: The Center for Research Education and Simulation Technologies (CREST) and the WWAMI Institute for Simulation in Healthcare (WISH).
The Division of Healthcare Simulation Science (HCSS) promotes a shared mission, “to improve the health of the public through simulation science.” Healthcare simulation at its core, exists to improve the safety, effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of healthcare delivery.
The establishment of the Division allows for continued growth of the program at a new level, including the creation of a formal academic structure that in partnership with clinical/home departments will enhance opportunities to recruit, retain, and support mechanisms for faculty appointments. It will also support and provide interested faculty with opportunities to build their academic careers on the ground floor of this emerging science through recognition of partnerships with other adjacent areas of study (e.g., bioengineering, education, etc.).
Eligibility Criteria
All applicants must be employed by UW Medicine and/or the University of Washington to be considered.
All applicants must contribute to the overall mission of Healthcare Simulation Science through engagement in simulation-based education and/or the development of simulation technology through HCSS administrative, instruction or research, and development activities.
Adjunct Faculty Appointment*: Current UW faculty (except faculty already appointed within the Department of Surgery)
Membership Appointment: Current non-faculty positions (e.g., clinical and research staff, and/or department personnel with a role in simulation education, research, or development); OR Department of Surgery Faculty.
*If candidate is being proposed for promotion in their home department the Adjunct appointment must be active before promotion packets are submitted (mandatory promotion September 1, or non-mandatory promotion November 1) to the School of Medicine Dean’s Office.
Application Process
To be considered, applicants must submit their application via the Submission Portal.
Each quarter, the Division will put forward a total of up to 20 applicants (10 Adjunct; 10 Member) for final consideration and approval.
Next Applications Due: July 1, 2025
Applicants will need:
Current CV
Letter of intent/brief personal statement including value/contribution to the simulation science community.
Letter of support from Department Chair or Unit Lead
Letter(s) of recommendation