Online Learning Modules
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Covid-19 Response
The following modules are educational resources for UW Medicine’s COVID-19 response. All updates/new information will be posted here.
Code Blue Response in Airborne Isolation Rooms
While designed with COVID-19 in mind, this protocol is applicable to emergencies involving patients who are in airborne isolation for any diagnosis. For further information regarding this protocol, please contact:
Joshua Daniel Lee, MD
Amy E. Morris, MD
COVID-19 Response: PPE Donning and Doffing Series
General Surgery
We are working on new bronchoscopy modules and new tests to go with them. Please check back later to learn more about how to perform pneumothoraces and other complications. Until then, please enjoy the current modules below.
Please Note - The OB/GYN section modules below require users to log in with a UWNetID account
4th Degree Repair
Avoiding Nerve Injury in GYN Surgery
OB/GYN Pelvic Exam
Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation
Cervical Cancer: Screening and Prevention
Evaluation & Management of Adnexal Masses
Gynecologic Cancers
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Intrapartum FHR Monitoring
Management of Female Urinary Incontinence
Maternal Hemorrhage
Normal & Abnormal Labor
Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Preterm Labor and Delivery
Ultrasound Core Curriculum
These modules are for educational purposes only. If your department requires proof of completion for credentialing purposes, you must view the material on the UW Learning Management System.
UWMC Rounding
UWMC Code Blue Training
Tracheotomy Care Training Video Modules
The following video modules describe how to care for patients with a tracheotomy tube. There is one set of modules for patients and their families or caregivers, and another set of modules for providers (RNs, RTs, SLPs, APPs, MDs). The modules can be used on their own, or in combination with simulation tasks to help with learning and retention