WISH Scheduling Policies
UWMC Room Reservations
WISH-UWMC encompasses space on the 1st floor of UWMC Surgery Pavilion. Available space includes SP1122 (Conference Room), Virtual OR, and Course Area. Any requests to reserve these spaces must be sent to wishuwmc@uw.edu.
Harborview Room Reservations
WISH-HMC is located on the 3rd floor of the HMC Ninth and Jefferson Building. WISH-HMC encompasses the Classroom, Trauma Bay, Hallway, Conference Room, Virtual OR, Wet/Dry Lab, and Wet Lab. Any requests to reserve these spaces must be sent to wishhmc@uw.edu.
WISH does not coordinate scheduling for the 3rd Floor Conference Room (Room 308). Any requests to reserve Room 308 must be submitted to Clinical Education via Catherine Sullivan or Katie Warner.
Recurring Event Scheduling
Recurring Courses/Meetings/Events (defined as more than 3 instances in a year) may be scheduled for an entire academic year (July 1st -June 30th) beginning January 1st of the year prior. For example, a recurring course running on a monthly basis, between July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021, may be booked on/after January 1st 2020.
All recurring courses will be booked on a first-come basis, and are subject to room and equipment availability. Please note: where applicable, a WISH Application for Resourcing (WISHApp) must be submitted via the WISHApp portal in order to be eligible for scheduling.
Exceptions may be made for nationally sponsored programs (e.g., grant supported national courses) and /or revenue generating courses, with the approval of the WISH administrator.
Recurring courses must be cancelled NO LATER THAN ONE BUSINESS DAY prior to the course through written email to wishhmc@uw.edu (HMC) or wishuwmc@uw.edu (UWMC) in order to be considered “excused”. Failure to cancel a recurring course within this time frame will count as an “unexcused cancellation.”
After two “unexcused cancellations” WISH reserves the right to cancel all existing room bookings of the course for the remainder of the academic year.
Repeated “excused” cancellations may result in loss of WISH booking privileges for the next academic year.
Non-Recurring Event Scheduling
Single course instances may be booked at any time (subject to room availability).
Cancellation policies are the same as those stated for recurring courses.
Two or more unexcused cancellations may result in temporary loss of WISH booking privileges.
Room Holds
Room “HOLD” requests may be placed for rooms within the same academic year. Room/Date HOLD requests are applicable for up to THREE WEEKS following the request date. After that time, WISH reserves the right to remove the HOLD without notification.