RSVP for the August 22 ACS AEI Hot Topics Session on 3D Printing

The 2018 ACS AEI Hot Topics Series starts this summer with 3D Printing for Medical Training: The Future of 3D Printing Patient-Specific Anatomical Models, on Wednesday, August 22, 10-11 AM PST/12-1 PM CST/1-2 PM EST.  Conducted by the AEI Technologies and Simulation Committee’s Troy Reihsen (University of Washington CREST), this webinar will present novel methods and processes for source data collection (MRI and CT DICOM Datasets), segmentation, preparation of files for printing (tool paths, orientation, and slicing), printers, materials, and post processing.

If you would like to attend this session, please confirm via or 312-202-5415, by Friday, August 17.  Instructions on how to join this webinar will be sent to confirmed participants on  Monday, August 20.



Dr. Rob Sweet, Executive Director of the WWAMI Institute for Simulation in Healthcare (WISH), is seeking Clinical Directors for the 2018-2019 WISH Program.

Ideal applicants are clinicians with strong education interests/backgrounds in the following areas, and are prepared to: 

  • Represent the clinical stakeholders within your domain across departments for simulation across UW Medicine;
  • Provide leadership, guidance and direction to course directors who conduct courses within the core areas of specialty;
  • Provide guidance to the development of new initiatives that correlate with UW Medicine strategic goals and priorities;
  • Ensure integrity and integration across courses;
  • Serve on grant review team to grant resources to programs;
  • Chair multidisciplinary champion groups;
  • Provide annual report of activities and perceived successes and future projects;
  • Serve as a member of the Board of Clinical Directors which meets quarterly.

The following seven positions represent core skill sets that spans across UW Medicine departments/disciplines.

1. Clinical Director of Clinical Education
2. Clinical Director of Critical Care and Anesthesiology
3. Clinical Director of Emergency Medicine and Ambulatory Care
4. Clinical Director of Image-guided skills
5. Clinical Director of Neonatology/Pediatrics
6. Clinical Director of Surgical specialties
7. Clinical Director of Team Performance


  1. The Clinical Directors will report to WISH Executive Director, Dr. Rob Sweet as it relates to the Clinical Director position, and will have access to administrative staff to help perform the above duties;
  2. The term of service is a one year period. Each Clinical Director will be allotted $5,000 to be used at their discretion for their service;
  3. Clinical Directors will be responsible for coordination and oversight of specialty specific committees and events as needed/requested. This may include recruitment/participation in the following:
    •  Annual Interprofessional Education Events (e.g., Capstone)
    •  Annual community outreach events
    •  WISH promotional events (high profile tours, etc.).


  1. All University of Washington clinical personnel qualified under one of the clinical areas outline above (based in Seattle or the WWAMI region) are eligible to submit an application.


Applications should address the following:

  1. Letter of support from their Department Chair
  2. Brief Personal Statement (1 Page Limit) to include which area/discipline you are applying
  3. CV


    Period for Nominations is now open!

    Applications will be accepted until August 15th

    Clinical Director Start Date:  September 1, 2018


Please send nominations/applications to Megan Sherman.



C-SATS Acquired by Johnson & Johnson - Congrats to WISH Faculty Dr. Thomas Lendvay and UW CoMotion

Johnson & Johnson announced the acquisition of C-SATS, a Seattle CoMotion Labs startup, co-founded by Dr. Thomas Lendvay, Associate Professor in the Department of Urology and long time WISH Faculty.  C-SATS uses technology to help surgeons improve skills and health outcomes by facilitating performance reviews. Read the full article here.

NEWS FLASH: Use of Live Tissue vs. Synthetic Models in Training and Assessment

We wanted to share a recent article published by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine authored by the University of Minnesota Combat Casualty Training Consortium (UMN CCTC) which includes our own Dr. Robert Sweet, Executive Director of WISH and CREST and Troy Reihsen, Director of the CREST Artificial Tissue Lab .

This timely article entitled, Training and Assessing Critical Airway, Breathing, and Hemorrhage Control Procedures for Trauma Care: Live Tissue Versus Synthetic Models, explores innovative simulation strategies for education in modern medicine.

Please click here to read the article in it's entirety. 

Dr. Rachel Umoren Awarded Grant by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

WISH Clinical Director for Pediatrics and Neonatology, Dr. Rachel Umoren was awarded a grant by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to support the maintenance of healthcare provider knowledge and skills in neonatal resuscitation. The project will develop and test an integrated mobile virtual reality training module and data collection tool to track key newborn care indicators in low and middle-income countries.